Mst. Abhay Jagtap ,Diagnosed – ”Life Threatening Disease Thalassemia“ Allogenic Bone Marrow “ age 10, is suffering from Thalassemia , from his childhood. He need regular blood transfusion. His father is the only earning source in the family who supports them by doing work in the pvt company earning Rs. 9000/- month it’s difficult for his father to do his medical treatment. Estimate Amount for his Allogenic Bone Marrow :- Rs.15,00000/ – at Ruby Hall Hospital , Pune , the new life for Mst. Abhay would be a miracle. Please donate generously even a little would make a difference to our family. Do share a story on all your social media platforms and with your friends; we will be extremely grateful. We thank you for your kindness.
4,50000/- raised out of Rs 15,00000/-