Beneficiary - Fund Raise

Sr No Date Patient Name Treatment Sanction Amount Hospital Payment Details Transaction Id
1 11/14/2022 Gitanjali Sanjay Kemkar Liver Transplant Rs. 10,000/- Sahaydri Speciality Hospital Union Bank of India, A/c No- 370001010061193 981537612
2 11/14/2022 Keshav Raosaheb Malle Pre B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) “ Type Of Blood Cancer “ Rs. 10,000/- Sahaydri Speciality Hospital Union Bank of India, A/c No- 370001010061193 981541914
3 11/14/2022 Sairaj Ravindra Bhusnure T Celll Acute Leukemia “ Type Of Blood Cancer “ Rs. 10,000/- Sahaydri Speciality Hospital Union Bank of India, A/c No- 370001010061193 981545769
4 11/16/2022 Sarthak Popat Shinde Chemotherapy Rs. 10,000/- Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital IDBI BANK , A/C No- VDMHEXTIND000001 984425729
5 12/7/2022 Prem Udaysingh Vishwakarma Renal Kidney Failure(Dailysis) Rs. 10,000/- Aditya Birla Hospital, HDFC Bank, A/C No- 00070310005523 1005765671
6 12/28/2022 Kantabai Shivaji Dhaigude 06 Cycles Of ABVD PROTOCOL Rs. 10,000/- Sahaydri Speciality Hospital Union Bank of India, A/c No- 370001010061193 1027875299
7 12/28/2022 Seema Bramhadeo Shinde 04 Cycles Of Chemotheraphy + Haplo Identical Stem Cell Transplant. Rs. 10,000/- Sahaydri Speciality Hospital Union Bank of India, A/c No- 370001010061193 1027882151
8 12/28/2022 Aarav Ratan Nikalje HAPLO IDENTICAL STEM CELL TRANSPLANT Rs. 10,000/- Sahaydri Speciality Hospital Union Bank of India, A/c No- 370001010061193 1027902514
9 2/16/2023 Sanskruti Kishor Muthe ALL(Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) Rs. 10,000/- Sahaydri Speciality Hospital Union Bank of India, A/c No- 370001010061193 31169603341
10 3/8/2023 Najiya Rajjak Jamadar Breast Cancer Rs. 10,000/- Sahaydri Speciality Hospital Union Bank of India, A/c No- 370001010061193 1099354739
11 3/8/2023 Suresh Machindra Sathe Appendicular Carcinoma Rs. 10,000/- Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital IDBI BANK , A/C No- VDMHEXTIND000001 1099514227
12 3/9/2023 Bhausaheb Genu Harde Chemotherapy(Injections) Rs. 5,000/- Aditya Birla Hospital, HDFC Bank, A/C No- 00070310005523 1099897295
13 3/14/2023 Jayshree Jadhav Chemotherapy(Injections) Rs. 10,000/- Siddhi Life Science By Cheque By Cheque
14 3/16/2023 Jalindra Raghunath Mahadik Petct Rs. 6,000/- OncoLife Cancer Center Bank Of Maharashta, A/C- 60412178819 1108172364
15 3/30/2023 Jayshree Jadhav Chemotherapy(Injections) Rs. 10,000/- Siddhi Life Science By Cheque By Cheque
16 4/6/2023 Harshad Dnyaneshwar Agale Burkitt’s Lymphoma Rs. 10,000/- Indrayani Hospital & Cancer Insitute Bank Of Maharashtra, A/C 60206144089 1130115365
17 5/16/2023 Swapnil Mahadev Bhoine Kidney Transplant Rs. 10,000/- Aditya Birla Hospital, HDFC Bank, A/C No- 00070310005523 1174929411
18 5/26/2023 Rohini Satish Kalyani Chronic Mycloid Leukemia Rs. 10,000/- Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital IDBI BANK , A/C No- VDMHEXTIND000001 1184567865
19 6/24/2023 Bhomi Gojegave Alveolar rhabdomyosrcoma Rs. 10,000/- Indrayani Hospital & Cancer Insitute Bank Of Maharashtra, A/C 60206144089 1216378735
20 8/3/2023 Parth Balasaheb Khadol Liver Cancer (Type Of Hepatoblastoma) Rs.10,000/- Sahaydri Speciality Hospital Union Bank of India, A/c No- 370001010061193 1260488307
21 8/12/2023 Jalindra Raghunath Mahadik Petct Rs. 2000/- OncoLife Cancer Center Bank Of Maharashta, A/C- 60412178819
22 8/14/2023 Mrs. Sonal Ritesh Safaria Cardiac Medicines Rs. 15,000/- Marine Cardiac Centre, Pune Camp By Cheque By Cheque
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